Running Playwright Tests in Gitlab CI

November 07, 2023

2 minutes read

In this guide, we will setup and run Playwright automation tests in Gitlab CI. We will also publish the HTML report in the Gitlab CI pipeline.


To setup Gitlab CI for playwright test automation, we need the following:

  • Gitlab account
  • Gitlab repository for the project
  • Playwright test automation suite setup for the project.

To get started, you can follow this guide to create a basic playwright project.

Setup Gitlab CI Pipeline

To setup the Gitlab CI pipeline, create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the root of the project.

Paste the following code into this file.

    - test

e2e tests:
    stage: test
        - npm ci
        - npm run test:e2e
        when: always
            - playwright-report/
            - test-results/

We have defined a single stage called test and a single job called e2e tests.
We are using the latest version of Playwright docker image
In the script section, we are running two commands:

  • npm ci - This will install all the dependencies of the project.
  • npm run test:e2e - This will run all the tests.

As I have created a separate script in the package.json file for running the tests, so I am using npm run test:e2e.
You can also replace the second command with npx playwright test if you want to use the default playwright configuration file playwright.config.ts.

To publish the HTML report in the Gitlab CI, we have added the artifacts section in the .gitlab-ci.yml file.
If you check inside the playwright.config.ts, you will find the following settings:

reporter: 'html',

This means an HTML report is getting generated for the tests. The reports and test results are generated in the folder playwright-report and test-results. So we have provided the paths in the artifacts. This will save the test reports in Gitlab CI after the tests are executed in the pipeline.

Running Tests On Gitlab CI

Once you have added the .gitlab-ci.yml file, commit and push the changes to your repository. When you push the changes, Gitlab CI will automatically run the job in the pipeline.

Gitlab CI Pipeline

To see the HTML report, you can download or browse the artifacts and open the index.html file inside the folder playwright-report. You will see the similar report as per the below screenshot.

Playwright automation tests HTML report

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